Dave Everyday

A journal of my everyday life

March 26th – Going to England tonight

Today is finally the day; Jess and I are heading off to the UK tonight for a 10 day vacation. Technically, we leave at 12:45 tomorrow morning, but who’s counting.

Funny story about that, we had been thinking that we left Friday night at midnight, not Friday morning at midnight until Monday when we double checked our flight info. It’s a good thing we checked then and not tonight.

In any case, I think I will try to post on here once or twice while I am there, and I will probably still be twittering a little bit when I find wi-fi spots (not turning on 3G roaming). I will also be taking a ton of photos; I am bringing my dSLR, my old school 35mm SLR, and my iPhone to take photos, and I intend to use them all. Look for a huge photo post shortly after I get back.

This will be my first time taking a night flight I think, normally I fly first thing in the morning, so it is kind of throwing me off that I have a full day of doing stuff before catching the shuttle to the airport. I just hope I can sleep when I get on the plane, but I have podcasts to listen to and a book to read if I can’t. This is going to be awesome.

Filed under: Everyday,

March 15th – Now let me tell a story all about how, my life got twist turned upside down

Let’s just ignore the fact I haven’t posted in two weeks, deal? Deal.

Since you can’t get much more succinct than Twitter, here it is:

Just finished my interview with Capilano University. I was accepted to the Interactive Design program. I am moving to Vancouver. Heck yes!

Good News

In a surprise turn of events, I had my interview with Capilano on Friday, and I was told right over the phone that I was accepted. I was not supposed to have the interview for another week, but I hadn’t heard back from the woman who was going to schedule it, so I emailed her on Thursday to ask when it was going to be and she asked if I was free the next day. Crazy!

We’re also going to the UK in 2 weeks now. I can’t believe it’s coming up so quickly. You can see the full details of our trip on my Dopplr page. I’m linking that mainly because Dopplr is really cool but not a lot of people use it (or at least not a lot of people I know). We’re flying into Heathrow on the 27th, staying with friends outside of London for a few days, then flying up to Edinborough for a few days, and then coming back to London for the weekend before we return home. We’re also going to go to Glasgow while in Scotland to visit a friend of Jess’s and go to a football match.

It’s funny how stuff always seems to happen all at once…this blog post makes it look like I lead a very exciting life. Which is true, but probably not as exciting as this one post would lead people to believe.

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March 2nd – Taboo Apprentice

This weekend, Jess and I finished watching Seinfeld. We’ve seen every single episode, in order, over the past few months. It’s been fun, she had never watched them before and I had never seen them all in order. Now there is a gaping whole in our lives which 90s sitcoms once filled. Hopefully we will find a way to fill it.

Saturday night a couple friends came over and played Taboo, the super awesome board game. I think board games are making a big come-back these days, or at least my friends and I are bringing them back. Either way, there’s something enjoyable about playing games that aren’t digital, every once and awhile.

On Sunday another friend moved into our building, so Jess and I helped her move some stuff in and hauled a couch from storage up to her apartment. It should be good having her nearby, I think she’ll be down in our apartment a lot, if only to mooch our wireless. Also on Sunday we watched the first episode of Celebrity Apprentice. At 2 hours, it was a little long for Apprentice, but it was a good start to the season. My money right now is on Tom Green to win, I want to make sure I write that down so that when he wins I can legitimately claim my genius.

And now I am hanging out at work, after I’ve finished working. I’m weird like that. I have some stuff I want to do and I know I won’t do it if I go home, so I’m staying at the coffee shop.

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