Dave Everyday

A journal of my everyday life

November 23rd – Snowy Sunday

Since I posted yesterday morning I guess I should update what I did yesterday too. We went shopping downtown to get Jess some new winter shoes. The snow had stopped falling by that point but it was still piled up all over the place. She found a good pair in Park Lane, I was hoping to find some new shoes as well but apparently no where downtown sells mens shoes. Then after shopping we went to Second Cup so Jess could finish working on her essay, and I read Wired and messed around on the internets. Then we came home and made dinner, and then played Scrabble. We hadn’t played Scrabble in quite a while (maybe a year), but it was a lot of fun. I got some great plays in: I connected Was to Vandal for a corner triple word score, which was like 60 points, and did Hymns for about the same. But the best word I played all night was:
Best Word Ever

I just thought it was funny, and it wasn’t just a throw away, that was a clear 30 points.

I won by a score of 320-172. I think we’ll play again sometime soon.

Then today I played some WoW in the morning, finally played through the Death Knight starting quests, which were really cool. I wish all quests in the game were: “Go slaughter 100 defenseless villagers”. Good times. Oh and today Blizzard sent out a Baby Blizzard Bear to everyone in the game, to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the game. I only started playing last year, it’s crazy to think that it’s been around for 4 years. Most games are popular for about 2 weeks.

Then in the afternoon we went out to the Halifax Shopping Centre to get me some winter boots (it was a weekend theme). I found some really cool ones that have a zipper up the front. A zipper! on shoes! No Velcro though, maybe next year. We met up with some friends while we were at the mall, and then I went with my friend Mike to practice driving for a bit. My test is at the end of the week, hopefully I pass.

And tonight we watched the 24 made-for-TV movie “Redemption” which was pretty cool. Not as good as a normal episode or season of 24, but good enough, and I think that it will bridge the gap into the next season quite well (maybe?).

And that was the weekend; a good one all in all.

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