Dave Everyday

A journal of my everyday life

December 21st – Single for the weekend

Well, Jess went home for Christmas yesterday so now I’m living the single life for the next 2 days. You know what that means! No? Neither do I. For some reason as soon as I typed “You know what that means” I immediately thought of…

Hilarious. Anyways.

Friday night I went to Jess’s company Christmas party at Bish. It was fun, but I started to feel really sick around the time the desert came out and so I went home early and lied in bed for a few hours and then went to sleep. Thrilling. And no, it wasn’t from all the booze.

Then yesterday morning Jess and I went to Smitty’s for brunch. We don’t go often, but it isn’t very far away and we didn’t really have any food in the house, so it was a good call. Sweet delicious greasy food. After Smitty’s we went to the grocery store so I could actualy eat for the next 3 days. I think that was also a good call. The she left and I spent the rest of the day playing WoW. Well, I also made dinner, and talked to both of my parents (which is kind of random because I only talk to them like once every two weeks or so), but it was a pretty WoW focused evening. Ran my first heroics (Utgarde Keep and Nexus) which was cool, and I got a couple nice drops out of them.

I don’t have too much to do today, I just need to finish up wrapping presents and mentally prepare myself for my drivers test tomorrow. As long as I get in the car this time, I will consider myself a success.

Oh, and also I finaly bit the bullet and got upgraded to custom CSS editing on this blog, so I will be tweaking it over the next few weeks. Since no one reads this anyway, I will probably make the changes gradually, but we will see. I have the idea for how it should look in my head (and on paper a bit) but I don’t exactly know how to convert that to reality. But I’ll learn.

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