Dave Everyday

A journal of my everyday life

10 Things I did in 2008

Everyone loves retrospective lists, and I am no different. Cosidering that one of my goals in keeping this blog is to have a way to look back at my life at specific moments in time and see what I was up to, marking what I did this year seems like a good plan. If I had kept this blog all year, this would be a clever way to drive readers to old content, but since I started in October and have no readers, I don’t think that will be happening too much. So yeah, this is by no means an exhaustive list, just 10 things I could thing of over the last few days that seemed at least mildly significant:

  1. Graduated from Acadia, and moved to Halifax
  2. Worked a 9-5 job I didn’t really enjoy for 6 month
  3. Decided I didn’t want to work in a 9-5 job I didn’t like and quit during a recession
  4. Figured out, roughly, what I want to do with my life
  5. Traveled to another country for a rock concert
  6. Finished traveling to all 10 provinces (I finally got to PEI in October)
  7. Started a new blog
  8. Celebrated my 3rd year anniversary with Jess (now we’ve been going out for 3 years 10 months)
  9. Made the switch to Mac, and got an iPhone
  10. Went to my first Bar Mitzvah

And that’s that. I’m looking forward to ’09, all indications point to it being a very good year.

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