Dave Everyday

A journal of my everyday life

December 12th- No longer working for the weekend

Today was my last day of work at Dalhousie. As far as days of work go it went quite well. I spent a lot of time on the morning talking with my boss on the phone, finishing up my last project and making sure we had everything lined up to transition to the new coordinator in January. I think we got everything taken care of.

Then I went for lunch at Subway which was decent though not really all that great. On the plus side I only ate half the sub so now I have lunch for tomorrow.

In the afternoon I finished up organizing all the files, set the “away” messages on the phone and the email account and ended up leaving about a hour early (my boss said I could).

When I got home I decided to take a photo to commemorate this occassion and I would post that here now but my computer crashed as I was working on it so it will be a bit longer for that. I guess Macs can crash. Rarely.

As for the status of my “get a job” plans; I’ve spoken with a bunch of people at Cap College who took the program I am thinking of going into and based on their replies I am planning on applying for September. That gives me 8 months to make some money and plan a move across the country. Can’t wait.

Update: Here is the photo. Apparently I shouldn’t run Photoshop and Bridge at the same time…I need a MacBook Pro:

Last day

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